Configuring Person Types

Creating a new person type

  1. In the OpenCase Admin menu, click on "Manage person types".

  2. Click "Add Person Type"

  3. Choose a label (name) for the new Person type

  4. Save. This will take you back to the list of Person types.

  5. By default your new Person type will have contact details fields on it, but nothing else. To add more fields, choose "Manage Fields" from the dropdown next to the newly added Person type. See Configuring Fields for more about this.

Editing a Person Type

  1. In the OpenCase Admin menu, click on "Manage person types".

  2. Find the one that you want to work on.

  3. If you want to change the name of the person type, click "Edit".

  4. If you want to add, edit or delete custom fields belonging to that actor type, select "Manage Fields" from the drop-down next to the actor type you want to change. See Configuring Fields for more about this.

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